Sunrise Bust at The Roaches

A landscape photography blog by Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire based landscape photographer Rob Thorley Photography.

It’s the start of May, and here we are again at The Roaches, in the Staffordshire Peak District.

The forecast was looking good. A mixture of high, and low cloud promised a decent sunrise opportunity. Sadly though it wasn’t to be . . . In typical fashion when you don’t want mist, or more likely low cloud you get it.

I stayed top side. On the one hand I was expecting it to break at any minute, on the other hand I was hoping for an inversion. On the other hand (if I’d got three!) I kept thinking I should go down and get in the woodland.

A little pig-headed I stuck with plan A. Several hours and a flask of coffee later I was still in the same spot when the mist, or low cloud finally broke. By then sunrise was well and truly gone.

I fired off a few shots before having a wander up to Doxey Pool, but the morning was a bust. One of those days (again), but you’ve got to be in it to win it as they say!

You can view more images from The Roaches, and my gallery of other Peak District locations.


Two Minutes To Late ~ Part 1


Springtime Cloud Inversion