A landscape photography blog by Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire based landscape photographer Rob Thorley Photography.

You wait weeks for a sunset then two come along at once. Well not at once, but consecutive evenings.

Tonight there was another half chance of a sunset, so I headed up to the back of The Roaches in the Staffordshire Peak District thinking I may get some nice light on the Baldstone ridgeline. I don’t even know why I have to mention it but I will . . . The wind was . . . but you know that.

Pretty much like the previous night up at the trig point I was forced to tuck in behind the rocks, and shoot low, and pretty much like the previous night the best of the light was well before sunset.

I spent the time wisely, and had a play with a time lapse as there was plenty of movement in the clouds, but other than that a nice bit of golden hour side light was the best of the evening.

Seeing that there was a bank of cloud in place to snuff out the sunset I headed back to the car, but I didn’t shoot off immediately. Trading my camera for a pair of binoculars I had a look to see if there was any signs of the badgers around the setts that I’d discovered recently.

Knowing that badgers show around dusk I thought it was worth the wait, but sadly I didn’t get to see any of them. I’m pretty sure the setts are active as there was fresh rubble scraped out of the holes, and plenty of dried grass strewn around. I also noticed areas of grass that had recently scraped as though something was digging for worms.

You can view more images from Baldstone, and my gallery of other Peak District locations.


Springtime Cloud Inversion


Some Things Never Change