Creswell’s Piece

A landscape photography blog by Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire based landscape photographer Rob Thorley Photography.

There was a time where the place you’d most likely find me on a Saturday evening was the pub. Nowadays it’s more likely that you’ll find me somewhere in the great outdoors.

I’d still got my woodland hat on, and tonight I thought I’d take a look at Creswell’s Piece in Staffordshire, which I’ve always thought was called Caverswall Wood to see if there were any signs of autumn. Given that we’re only mid-September my hopes weren’t high.

Sure enough it was still pretty green in there, with only the odd Silver Birch starting to turn. With nothing really taking my fancy I used the time to explore the area a bit more thoroughly with a view to making a mental note of compositions for later in the year. I’m glad I did as I found an area which was more broad leaf, and not a mass of birch, which is the main variety of tree at this location.

On my way back to the car the light had started to change, and with the onset of sunset there were some nice warm shafts of light coming through parts of the canopy. I took the opportunity to take a few shots, but they felt more like snapshots, as the woodland wasn’t at its best.

You can view more images of trees from my gallery.


Astro at Ynys Llanddwyn


Consall Valley