A landscape photography blog by Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire based landscape photographer Rob Thorley Photography.

Like a lot of landscape photographers I’m a sucker for a lone tree. Photographing this one required a little bit of detective work as I hadn’t got a clue where it was other than “in the Peak District”.

I’ll rewind a touch. A week earlier someone in one of the Facebook groups that I’m a member of posted a picture of this tree with a comment saying it’d probably look nice at sunrise, or sunset. The location wasn’t forthcoming, and I’m sort of coming around to being more guarded with exact locations myself, so that was fair do’s. If I’m honest I think if I’d have messaged the guy, and asked he’d have told me, but I didn’t so off I went to look.

After a bit of digging I came across a comment that said “Grindon?” but there was no reply to the question. I looked on Google maps, and saw where this location was in relation to my locality. I also knew the general location of people who’d commented on knowing of this tree, so thought I was in the ball park. All it took then was to drop the little yellow man into the road on Google maps, and thirty seconds later I’d got a post code for the exact location.

Being polite, and as you can see from the images it was a “fleeting sunset”, but it was still good to get familiar with the location. An added bonus for this spot is that it is local, and it’s literally a park and shoot, so I’ll definitely be back for better conditions.

You can view more images of Staffordshire, and my gallery of other trees.


Baldstone Ridgeline


The Roaches in the Mist