Autumn at Cannock Chase

A landscape photography blog by Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire based landscape photographer Rob Thorley Photography.

The end of October had me heading over to Cannock Chase to see what if any autumn colours were on offer. Expectations were low before I set off as there was still plenty of green around, as autumn had yet to show it’s true colours.

As I drove through the chase my levels of expectations didn’t increase. There were the odd few trees that had started to turn, but none of them were really what I’d class as photographic opportunities.

I pulled in at the Penkridge Bank car park, as it was evident that if there was anything to be had I’d need to work a bit harder as it wasn’t going to be at the side of the road.

I explored the woodland areas further, but unfortunately it was one of those days, and as the saying goes . . . “You can’t polish a turd”.

I took a couple images of the scene above, struggling a bit with the highlights, but they were the best of a bad bunch.

I guess there’s some things you can’t force, and mother nature is one of those. It was just a case of being a couple of weeks too early. I packed up, and headed back to the car pencilling in a return for a weeks time.

You can view more images from Cannock Chase, and my gallery of other nature subjects.


Autumn at Barlaston Downs


Fantasy Mushrooms