Fantasy Mushrooms

A nature photography blog by Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire based landscape photographer Rob Thorley Photography.

Whilst flicking through YouTube I dropped on a vlog to do with macro photography. More specifically it was light painting fungi, and mushrooms. I thought that some of the images produced were quite magical. Being fortunate enough to own a dedicated macro lens, and with my interest kindled I did more research on YouTube, and the internet to get a better understanding of the techniques, and post processing involved.

Luckily for me I’d come across this new challenge as autumn had come around. A season that definitely benefits trying this type of photography as subjects are in a greater abundance.

With my enthusiasm cup full to the brim I headed off up to Consall Valley with my camera, and torch to see what I could achieve. I picked Consall Valley which is a local RSPB nature reserve because quite simply it’s in a valley. This meant that there was plenty of damp, decay, and moss etc . . . where I’d be more likely to find my subjects.

The first challenge I came across was that my abundance of subjects didn’t necessarily stand out, so I was having to look a little harder than I thought I would to find them.

The second challenge was just because you find a “mushroom” it doesn’t mean it’s a good subject. When you factor in damage, thickness and composition it’s quite apparent that not all “mushrooms” are equal!

The third and final challenge was purely getting back up off the floor. Generally speaking them pesky mushrooms are down low.

Whilst not a challenge one of the other things that I hadn’t considered was wearing the proper attire. Lying down on the muddy wet floor doesn’t lend itself to a long day out with the camera after your clothes get soaking wet. Lesson learnt. Waterproofs, or a mat to lie on are a must if you’re going to go full bore to get those low down compositions . . . or using your tilting screen if you have one.

Despite all my challenges it was a very enjoyable few hours out, and I was very pleased with the results of my first attempt at fantasy glowing mushrooms.

You can view more images of fungi and mushrooms, and my gallery of other nature subjects.


Autumn at Cannock Chase


Cregennan Lakes