A landscape photography blog by Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire based landscape photographer Rob Thorley Photography.

I'm not sure if I'm getting a quarry fetish, but ever since "discovering" Cwmorthin I've started to seek them out more, and more. So far I've found them to be great places to visit, with lots of interesting nooks and crannies to explore, and a good variety of compositions to be photographed.

Today I found myself at Rhos Quarry, which is situated above the Welsh village of Capel Curig, on the eastern slopes of Moel Siabod in the Eryri National Park. I'd gone with no more of a plan than to have a mooch around, and do a bit of location scouting.

I parked in the lay-by on the A5, and walked up to Rhos, which is the first of two quarries at this location. If I'm honest the "climb" did me in. I was suffering from a serious bout of man flu, so probably should have been at home in bed, rather than photographing in Eryri.

The weather wasn't fantastic, it probably suited shooting black and white quite well, which I did on this occasion, but the location didn't disappoint. I managed to get some images that I was happy with, so mustn’t grumble.

There was no chance I was getting up to Foel Quarry. Did I mention I had man flu? So it was just a quick one before heading home.

You can view more images from Rhos Quarry, and my gallery of other North Wales locations.


Autumn & Orton


Milky Way Magic