Caldon Canal ~ Stockton Brook
A landscape photography blog by Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire based landscape photographer Rob Thorley Photography.
If you follow along you may have heard me moaning about the amount of road closures and four way traffic lights we seem to have in Stoke-on-trent at the moment. This morning was no exception.
To be honest I set off to go and have a practice with the drone up around The Roaches as I haven’t really used it to its full potential yet. My camera gear was in the boot just in case.
After taking about 45 minutes to chug through Milton crossroads I was steaming. It’s daft but to get to the Peak District I can either go left, or right (up, or down) when leaving my house to get there. Distance wise there’s nothing in it. On a clear run there’s no difference in the time it takes either. Ultimately I was steaming with myself because I’d turned left, not right but I’m so glad I did.
Because of the time it had taken to get through the roadworks I basically couldn’t be arsed to drive into the Peak District. Passing Stockton Brook I decided I’d pull in and go and have a look at the water works which I’d been wanting to photograph.
I parked up and went for a wander along the canal. I left all my gear in the car and just had my iPhone with me in case anything caught my eye. I was really only planning on having a look but before long I’d passed the waterworks and was down by bridge 24.
The waterworks were okay but I think to make the image work it would need some nice light, and a bit of cloning to get rid of the vans, skips and cars etc . . . that were littered around the building. What caught my eye however was a Silver Birch tree that had lost its leaves but was next to a tree with some vibrant orange leaves that made quite a contrast. This was enough to make me walk back to the car and get my gear.
For some reason this one just sparked the creative juices and I was off. When I actually got the image home I did take some liberties with the post processing. I know it wouldn’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but all that really matters is that I like it.
Silver Birch tree on the Caldon Canal.
After I’d photographed the Silver Birch tree I carried on along the towpath as the canal bent away out of sight and I was curious to know what was around the bend. What was around the bend was actually bridge number 23 in a raised position. I took a few images capturing it from both directions and at different focal lengths and apertures. Again I was very pleased with the images I got from this spot.
As well as taking stills I was also practising my videography, and before I knew it the clock had been ticking for a while, so I turned around and headed back towards the car.
On the way back I grabbed a shot of bridge 24. Once more I was pleased with the result. I think the autumn colours were definately helping to make the images “pop”.
Bridge 24 on the Caldon Canal.
Although I’d been here for about four hours it felt like it was two minutes before I was back where it all started at bridge 25. I took a few more images and to be fair I didn’t want to leave. What I wanted to do was to go and walk the towpath and see what was around every bend. Sadly I didn’t have the time to do that.
Bridge 25 on the Caldon Canal, Stockton Brook.
Whilst I didn’t have the time to go and walk around every bend I did have time to walk up to the lock above bridge 25 before I left. I’m glad I did as I captured what was my favourite image of the day.
A lock above bridge 25 on the Caldon Canal.
After a miserable start today had turned out to be a much needed, brilliant day of photography, and videography.
It’s been a few years since I’ve had a wander along the canal and taken some photographs. I’d really enjoyed myself today. The subject matter was interesting. The autumn colours undoubtedly helped to lift everything. It was just a cracking day. if you haven’t had a canal wander before, or it’s been a while since you last did so I highly recommend getting back out there. Especially at this time of year.
You can view more images of the Caldon Canal and my gallery of other Staffordshire locations.