More Magical Mushrooms
A nature photography blog by Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire based landscape photographer Rob Thorley Photography.
It’s been a while. Four months to be exact since I’ve been out with my camera. A few health issues have had a physical impact on my ability to get out and about. Happy to say though that the meds are doing their thing and I was improving.
It was now October, and there were more opportunities to get out, without having to expend too much energy. Whilst my health was improving I still didn’t have too much in the tank.
I found myself at Consall Valley to have another go at light painting whatever fungi, or mushrooms I could find. It had been dull, grey, drab, and wet, so conditions were pretty good for this type of photography. As I’d hoped there was a decent amount of subject matter and I spent a very pleasant few hours lying on the floor to capture these images. I also applied what I’d learnt previously using the focus shift shooting functionality on the Z7ii. Albeit I was a little rusty.
When I got home I found that my laptop struggled a bit stacking the amount of images I’d taken, and it took a little longer to get the output file than I’d have liked. I suspect in the near future I’m going to have to bite the bullet and get a new one.
My woes of post processing however didn’t diminish the fact that I’d been out and about, and when all’s said and done that was probably more important to me than the actual images I captured.

You can view more images of fungi and mushrooms, and my gallery of other nature subjects.